Special Student

The Graduate Program in Museology of the Federal University of Bahia, following UFBA’s By-Laws of Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching, is openfor applicationsfor curricular components in Museology to students and alumni from higher educationfrom other national or foreign institutions that intend to conduct specific studies, subject to the existence of openings. The applicant, who enrolls in curricular components, will be a Special Student, and will be entitled to enroll
in the same curricular component up to a maximum of two times.
A special student can only enroll in up to a total of 04 (four) curricular components in the Graduate Program.
A special student will not be allowed to enroll in Curricular Internships,Undergraduate and GraduateConclusiveMonograph, Course Completion Recitals and other similar activities.
The student application will be registered in the Graduate Program Collegiate, within a time frame defined in the Calendar/Academic Agenda in accordance with the Selection Public Call. The application must be accompanied by the following documents:
  • ID (Original and Copy);
  • CPF (Original and Copy); 
  • Proof of Voting (obtained on the TSE website);
  • Military Certificate or proof of exemption (for male candidates only);
  • Application form, specifying the component(s) that the applicant wishes to take in the semester;
  • Original and Copy of updated School Records, or University Degree diploma duly certified, orCourse Completion and School RecordCertificates issued by a higher education institution duly certified by the Ministry of Education;
  • Original of the Application Fee Payment Form (GRU) containing the candidate’s name and CPF,as well as proof of payment;
  • Updated Proof of Residence.
In addition to items a, b and c, foreign applicants must present their School Record or Diploma officially translated (certified translation).
Original documents and copies can be handed in at the Program Secretariat to be duly certified.
The candidates accepted as special studentsmust pay their enrollment fee, and must present a proof of payment upon their registration. 
Source: UFBA’s By-laws of UFBA Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching (REGPG UFBA), click here to access.
Related Documents:
Excerpt of By-laws’ Section IV – from the Special Student Enrollment (REGPG), click here.
Official Communication Nº 002/2014 SUPAC/SGC, click here.
Application Form for Special Graduate Student (doc version / pdf version);
Academic Services/Invoice, click here.