Research Groups

Study Group on Cyber Museums - GREC

The GREC studies the social memory in a global dimension, through cyberspace and the emergence of locative media. Currently, the group is studying the democratization of museum collections, and other sources of cultural heritage, verifying the possibility of integration between cyber and face-to-face systems. The group also supports research in the field of folk media, through the analysis of miracle rooms of the Brazilian Catholic shrines, in the project “Ex-votosof Brazil”.

Bahia Museology Observatory (OMB)

The Bahian Museology Observatory (OMB) is part of the Department of Museology of the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences (FFCH) of UFBA. Its aims integrate the three lines of Research – History of Bahian Museology; Museology and Afro-Brazilian Memory andMUSEUTERMO: a) to search the path of institutions focused on questions about the material and immaterial cultural heritage, such as museums and managers, collectors, and collections involving cultural and preservation policies in Bahia; b) to investigate the relation of the museological processes and the manifestations of Afro-Brazilian identity memories; c) to analyze connections between Museology and Information Science.
