Research Lines
Research Line 1: Museology and Social Development
The investigations related to the Contemporary Museological Theory are considered according to the relationship Heritage, Culture and Preservation, including the museum as a laboratory where the relationship between the individual and cultural goods is processed, and readings and interpretations are produced in the social groups. Social development is understood in the training perspective of the individuals involved in the museum action, in which the cultural heritage is an instrument of social inclusion and citizenship. Discussions on the museological and/or heritage trajectories, agents and the constitution of collections of a diverse nature are predicted, as well as the studies on the cultural heritage, in order to understand and value the diverse sociocultural realities of contemporary societies.
Coordinator: Suely Moraes Cerávolo
Faculty: Joseania Miranda Freitas, Marcelo Nascimento Bernardo da Cunha, Sidélia Santos Teixeira, and Suely Moraes Cerávolo.
AssociateProfessors: Mário de Souza Chagas, Heloísa Helena Fernandes Gonçalves da Costa, Clovis Carvalho Britto, Carlos Alberto Santos Costa, Mariela Brazón Hernández.
Research Line 2: Heritage and Communication
This research line privileges investigations on the relationship between heritage, and the museological communication. The stages of the musealisation processes are taken as a reference, including documentation, preventive conservation and dissemination through exhibition designs. Approaches on cultural mediation and audience studies are included as well as the use and management of the cyberspace and digital museums, besides the use of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC).
Coordinator: Maria das Graças de Souza Teixeira
Faculty: José Claudio Alves de Oliveira, Maria das Graças de Souza Teixeira, and Rita de Cássia Maia da Silva.
AssociateProfessors: Ana Helena da Silva Delfino Duarte, Gilson Magno dos Santos, Cecilia Conceicao Moreira Soares, and Mary Weinstein.